"Admirably, Dark Highways ... manages to avoid déjà vu, despite the specific theme. If you like your scary stories played out beneath huge dusty skies, with something murderous in your rear view mirror, then you’ll enjoy the ride." - Matthew Fryer
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Everyone loves a road trip - but remember the pavement we travel is always black as night, as if it's been collecting shadows... You've just thumbed a ride with five scribes from the dark side of the highway...
Damned Potholes - Michael A. Arnzen - Damned potholes ... literally! Black '47 - Lorelei Shannon - A haunted hearse that makes Christine look like The Love Bug... Black Trailer - John A. Burks, Jr. - A demon-possessed semi trailer (or is it?)... Companion - David Bain - A roadside encounter with a bad, bad man... 5:53 - C. Dennis Moore - A quick trip to the pizza shop twists and turns into the unknown... |